Is Cash for Gold Really Worth It? Gold buyers in NYC

When you’re thinking about selling your gold for cash, it’s natural to be reluctant about the process. One of the most questions people ask themselves is whether or not they’ll get an adequate amount of cash for their gold. They picture a network of disreputable and opportunistic buyers who will do everything they can to get your gold for the lowest possible price. The reality is that, for many gold buyers in New York, this may actually be the case…but not DD Buyers. We can promise you that if you choose to sell your gold to us, we will make you the best possible offer based on a commonly accepted and universally adopted criteria. Call us today at 646-736-7321 for a free appraisal and to learn more about what we can do for you.

The Process of Getting Cash for Gold

The process of getting cash for your gold starts with gathering your items and figuring out which among them you would like to sell. Perhaps you’re in possession of a deceased loved one’s estate jewelry for which you no longer have any use; perhaps you’re looking to unload a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a failed relationship; perhaps you need cash in a hurry for unforeseen expenses and are using your gold as a means getting it. Whatever the case may be, you can either come by our location in Manhattan’s Diamond District gold buyers or mail in your gold items for inspection and appraisal. You can rest assured that your gold will be safe and protected in our insured envelopes during the mailing process.

Inspection and Appraisal of Your Gold

Once your gold is in our possession, we will inspect it and appraise it based upon multiple criteria that includes condition, age, market value and more. We will also look for hallmarks that identify the legitimacy and authenticity of your gold. Hallmarks are identifying marks that can provide an appraiser with useful information about the gold. Once your free appraisal is complete, we will make you a fair, honest and respectable offer based upon the aforementioned criteria. We will give you cash on the spot for your gold or mail you a check when the process is complete. As a trusted and reputable gold buyer in NYC for over 20 years, you can rest assured that DD Buyers is committed to your satisfaction.

Get Cash for Gold Now

Getting cash for gold from DD Buyers is definitely worth it. With minimal work and hassle, you can turn your unwanted gold and jewelry into cash to pay bills, take vacation or buy yourself something you’ve always wanted. Call us today at 646-736-7321. We look forward to hearing from you.